A man who works with his hands is a laborer; a man who works with his hands and his brain is a craftsman; but a man who works with his hands and his brain and his heart is an artist. - Louis Nizer
Between 1978 through 1995, Polybutylene had been installed in over 6 million homes throughout several states in the US. It was a cheaper alternative to copper.
Ideas for the ACHP Handyman February and March is generally a slow month economically for businesses worldwide. This is especially true in the handyman professional industry. In colder climates, many home improvement projects simply cannot be done in the winter months. The projects that can be completed are often not on the minds of consumers who are still recovering from holiday bills and awaiting their tax returns. It is up to you to take some initiative and give customers some …
Today we salute those who died in battle to preserve our freedoms. Truly, this is still a great nation. Happy Memorial Day! www.handymanassociation.org
SAFETY ALERT Another important reason to complete a vehicle walk around and inspection. This alert applies to everyone! Anyone that operates any vehicle, private or company owned. You must ALWAYS complete a vehicle walk around and inspection of your vehicle before getting in to drive away, ALWAYS. It doesn’t matter if it’s before the trip, during the trip or at the end of your trip. Please be sure to complete a thorough vehicle inspection. A young child in the wheel …
ACHP Expands Membership for the Handyman A Special Welcome to our very first member from South Africa – Wayne Superfain owner of Rent-a-hubby in Johannesburg. ACHP members span the US, Canada, UK, Greenland, and South Africa.