ACHP-Canada Insurance

Vashon Task and Tech

A handyman for your home. A handyman for your tech.

TBD Professional Handyperson Services LLC

With TBD, your needs aren't just "to be determined", they're.. "TO BE DONE!"

The Garage Woodcrafter

A man who works with his hands is a laborer; a man who works with his hands and his brain is a craftsman; but a man who works with his hands and his brain and his heart is an artist. - Louis Nizer

ACHP-Canada General Liability

Limits Available:  $1,000,000 to $5,000,000

$1,000,000    Bodily Injury and Property Damage
$1,000,000    Products and Completed Operations – Aggregate
$1,000,000    Personal and Advertising Injury Liability Limit
$ 25,000         Medical Payments – Per Person
$1,000,000    Tenants Legal Liability
$1,000,000    Employee Benefits Liability – Each Employee/ Aggregate
$1,000,000    Employers Liability
$1,000,000    Non-Owned Automobile Liability, S.P.F. No. 6

including Contractual Liability, S.E.F. 96

excluding Long Term Leased Vehicles, S.E.F. 99

$ 75,000 Damage to Hired Automobiles, S.E.F. 94 – All Perils Any One Accident

Deductible: $ 1,000 All Losses, except;

NIL Personal and Advertising Injury

NIL    Medical Payments

NIL     Non-Owned Automobile

Exclusions:  Including but not limited to:


Fungi or Spores

Nuclear Energy Liability



War Risks

USA Exclusion

Spray Drift Exclusion

Paint / Coating Inefficacy Exclusion


Reduction of Coverage for Lessees or Drivers of Leased Vehicles, O.E.F. 98B

Blanket Additional Insured – Contract or Agreement

Combined Deductible (Bodily Injury and Property Damage) – per Occurrence

Broad Form Completed Operations Extension

Currency:  All limits and deductibles shown are in Canadian currency


Further Information on DAS Legal Expense:

What is Legal Expense insurance?

DAS enters into a commitment to pay, on the behalf of the policyholder, legal costs arising from a fortuitous event. DAS will cover legal fees, Disbursements and out-of-pocket costs including court fees, expert witness fees, medical reports, etc. and adverse costs when awarded against the insured or settled between the parties. Your coverage includes: Legal defense, bodily injury, tax protection, employment disputes and UNLIMITED telephone legal advice to discuss any business related matter

* Upon becoming a lifetime member, an insurance application (with instructions) along with your ACHP welcome letter and certification will be emailed directly to you.  Lifetime Membership Required