Handyman Strong

The Garage Woodcrafter

A man who works with his hands is a laborer; a man who works with his hands and his brain is a craftsman; but a man who works with his hands and his brain and his heart is an artist. - Louis Nizer

Handy Squad Home Services, Inc.


HANDYMAN STRONG was founded by ACHP – Association of Certified Handyman Professionals™. It is a professional  group of united handymen and handywomen for one cause, to better the handyman industry.

We stand together to bring awareness and the value of the small handyman business owner who takes pride in his work, community, and family values. We are the voice for the handyman.

Handyman professionals should have the proper tools to professionally and ethically service their customers.  An ACHP certification will help the handy professional reach these goals and add value to the handyman industry. Because we are considered a “jack of all trades” a handyman must continuously evolve and learn different techniques and trends of the job.  Just as important is the way a handyman interacts and builds customer relations. 

ACHP provides handyman certification and a place where members can interact, learn about different tools and techniques, forums and resource networking.  Benefits also include a place where the public can readily search a list of certified handyman professionals in their local area by simply inputting their zip code.

Our handyman association offers handyman insurance, handyman directory, networking, certification, credibility, and much more.

The Association of Certified Handyman Professionals is trademarked by the United States Patent Office and certified by Guidestar.  Guidestar is the leader in non-profit verification.  ACHP is a not-for profit organization.