Code of Ethics


Making your honey do list, honey done!

Just So Construction LLC

Quality & Reliability

“Welcome to the ACHP Code of Ethics. Our board leadership and the members of our organization value the importance of maintaining our conduct of business. Our leadership is committed to the integrity of our organization and the handyman industry”.  Ed Padilla, founder.

A code of ethics is a set of rules outlining the responsibilities of or proper practices for an individual or organization. In order to maintain the integrity of the Association of Certified Handyman Professionals, and of each of our individual handyman businesses, it is imperative that all ACHP members, chapters and board officers exhibit the highest level of ethics possible in all situations and at all times. This Code of Ethics is not all-inclusive, but should provide the parameters of what all ACHP members should strive to achieve when on the job.

ACHP reserves the right to deny any person or organization seeking an ACHP membership or certification.  ACHP also reserves the right to revoke any ACHP member or organization based on violations of this Code of Ethics.

Honesty & Integrity

These two key principles should be the most important ultimate tools devices in the handyman’s tool belt.  A handyman should adhere to and always keep these ethical principles at all times.

  • Follow federal, state, and local handyman laws
  • Refuse a repair or installation that requires a license such as major plumbing, electrical, roofing, A/C, etc., unless you are licensed to do so
  • Have up-to-date state licensing
  • Carry proper insurance

We know that all handymen are not perfect – we are human, after all.  If you should make a mistake, just say so and correct the problem.  It’s not uncommon for a handyman to receive a second call to readjust or correct something they repaired or installed. Do your best to treat your customers fairly and make them happy with the level of your work.

Examples of honesty and integrity in action include:

  • Submitting an invoice for payment when job is fully completed and customer is happy with the results
  • Turning down a job that you are not comfortable with or don’t have the skills to do.  Customers WILL respect you for it.

Building and Maintaining Customer Trust

An ACHP member will NOT take advantage of any customer seeking handyman services. This means charging reasonable rates for materials, resources and your time and never allowing your knowledge of the industry to manipulate customers into something that is unsafe, unreliable or overpriced.

Trustworthy handyman professionals are ones often called upon – never underestimate the power of word of mouth advertising.  The relationship between a customer and a handyman is founded on trust from both parties. The customer trusts that the handyman will do what he says and the handyman trusts that the customer will pay the agreed-upon price when work is complete. A handyman must take the lead and do his/her very best to make customers feel they are getting quality work at a reasonable price.


An ACHP member is required to act like a professional in all circumstance and have the knowledge and skill to perform basic handyman tasks. Some of the ways a handyman can excel as a professional include:

  • Continuing to further one’s education in the handyman field
  • Being able to communicate clearly without offensive, degrading, or argumentative language
  • Working hard
  • Keeping customer and handyman safety as a priority
  • LISTENING to your customer

Customer Service

It’s important for handyman professionals to go above and beyond the call of duty when it comes to the tasks at hand. Repairing something and calling it a day is simply not enough. Handyman professionals should always:

  • Understand customer expectations
  • Be on the same page as customers
  • Provide free estimates
  • Complete jobs on time and communicate clearly when extra time is necessary
  • Be on time or phone-in late arrivals
  • Stay within the estimation cost
  • Return calls and keep appointments
  • Make a good impression, always

Remember that the long-term goal is to make customers loyal and retain their business. This happens through a combination of excellent handiwork and quality customer service.

*Any and all customer complaints made to ACHP will result in temporary suspension of ACHP member account pending investigation and/or all matters are resolved. Failure to do so will result in removal of member account and banned from future participation.  This includes cancellation of and participating of our insurance program.

Safety First – Always 

A handyman should not put himself in harm’s way. Some things to avoid include:

  • A situation where the customer does not appear to have control over unpredictable or aggressive pets
  • An unsuitable crawl space
  • High areas, such as a roof
  • A charged outlet cover or switch

The safety of customers is also a priority and handymen should always inform them about what tasks may be taking place that could be dangerous.

ACHP Membership Expectations

  • Stay within the boundaries of your state laws.  Do not participate in acts that do not comply with government rules and licensing requirements.   Comply with your local jurisdiction where you conduct business.
  • Our logo’s, seals, and content are copyrighted and register trademarked by the United States Patent and Trademark Office.  You must be an active paid member in good standing with ACHP in order to use its logo’s or seal.  Expired members must remove and stop immediate use of our intellectual property such as our logo’s and seal, and any mention on their website, business cards, etc.  It is the responsibility of ACHP members to not abuse, modify, change, or advertise ACHP’s intellectual property without written consent.
  • As a member, you are not to be in competition with ACHP.
  • By becoming an ACHP Member you (the member) are obligated to stay compliant which includes keeping your membership active and paying your annual dues.  If you plan on participating in our insurance program you must renew your dues on an annual basis or become a lifetime member.  The ACHP Insurance Program and its benefits are designated for paid ACHP members only.  We strongly recommend upgrading to lifetime membership.  Contact us at any time should you need assistance or have any questions.

Intentionally trying to damage the reputation of ACHP, its members, or customers will result in immediate expulsion from ACHP and possible legal action.

ACHP reserves the right to deny any person or organization seeking an ACHP membership or certification.  ACHP also reserves the right to revoke any ACHP member or organization.

ACHP reserves the right to purge, delete, remove member access, and directory listing(s) to any member who does not stay compliant or for non payment of annual dues which are due every 12 months on the anniversary date of initial sign up.

*Any and all customer complaints made to ACHP will result in temporary suspension of ACHP member account pending investigation and/or all matters are resolved. Failure to do so will result in removal of member account and banned from future participation.  This includes cancellation of and participating of our insurance program.  No refunds!

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